SPIRO Spirulina is an all-natural detox supplement that fully eliminates toxins, restore vitamins and minerals and rejuvenates skin in under 3 weeks. It also provides next-day relief for constipation. SPIRO is your daily need supplement to regain control over your mental and physical health, it’s the fastest and most effective detox solution for your colon care.
Amazing Benefits in Every Tablet of SPIRO !
Effectively eliminate toxins from the body
Enhance body metabolism rate
Regulate overall body pH & functions
Promote digestion & relieve constipation
Restore gastrointestinal cell functions
Promote healthy skin & rejuvenation
Peek Inside SPIRO Spirulina - Made with Patented
Effectively stimulate gastric motility and pancreatic secretion
Probiotics production, help eliminate toxins including heavy metals
Helps support immune function, aid the digestive system
Soluble Fiber
Decreased cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar control
Highly suggested to take and chew 1-2 tablet(s) before going to bed. Drink plenty of water to ease the detox process. Consult a medical doctor before this or any other nutritional supplement if you are pregnant, nursing, have or suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medications.
SPIRO is a healthy food that combine detoxifications, repair, and rejuvenate functions. SPIRO contains spinach, spirulina, chlorella, and other substances to help remove toxins, radiation, and heavy metals, regulate and restore intestinal cell function, promote digestion, and improve immune system health.
It helps detox bodies and removes heavy metals, improves the digestive system, releases harmful radiation, provides comprehensive nutrition for the body, strengthens the immune system, fight disease, promotes healthy skin, promote metabolism, helps reduce weight, increases insulin sensitivity, increase activity antioxidant, and balances body pH.
The toxin is actually a waste of excessive food. There are two main sources: metabolic waste from digestion and absorption of food; various pollutants from the environment deposited in the body. The human body is considered healthy if it is able to get rid of toxins quickly. If there is more waste that exceeds the burden of physical exclusion, it will be a health barrier.
If your body has a lot of toxins, your body will have symptoms such as constipation, obesity, bad skin condition, bad breathe, insomnia, allergies, endocrine disorders, menstrual pain, body odor, back pain and so on.
Made with natural ingredients. The ingredients include spirulina, spinach, chlorella, rich in nutrients, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Able to see and feel the effect of detox 8-10 hours after taken it. No side effects and provide the steps of detox, repair, and rejuvenate. The first detox tablets in the world, do no need to brewed into water, can take them directly without drinking water. Easy, convenient & portable, and take them whenever you need it. The brand has won various award such as the Best Healthcare Brand Award, International Prestige Award, the Asia Pacific Super Health Brand Award, and so on.
SPIRO is safe to take at a long period of time as it contains natural ingredients, free from pharmaceutical drugs, and will not cause side effects or addiction/dependency.
Reduction in defecation does not mean a reduction in detox function. It may be due to the body having detox most of the toxin or the body containing the little toxin. This will increase metabolism and reduce the absorption of toxins.
Water is the best medium to get rid of toxins so if the body is well hydrated, toxins will be easily excreted. Drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water a day.
This depends on the individual. Basically, patients with gastric problems can take SPIRO. Lemon powder is not the only SPIRO ingredient. It combines highly alkaline botanical ingredients (spinach, spirulina and chlorella) to effectively neutralize the acidity of lemon. There is no evidence that lemon can cause gastritis, in fact, lemon juice has been proved good for gastritis. Lemon mixed with water – during the digestion process, fresh lemon will become alkaline in our body. In short, for patients with mild gastritis, we recommend taking SPIRO with an empty stomach. For chronic gastritis patients, it is recommended to take SPIRO after meals.
SPIRO only contain natural ingredients, therefore it will not cause severe side-effects with drugs. It is recommended that people with a health problem take SPIRO at a low dose, which is 1 tablet per day, however, if a person undergoes treatment or taking medicines for chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or heart diseases, it is better if they refer to their doctor before taking SPIRO.
SPIRO cannot be considered as a weight loss product because it does not contain senna, but it can aids in losing weight. There are many factors why obesity may occur including genetics, edema, overeating, hormonal imbalance, indigestion or constipation. If the body is high in toxins or indigestion, SPIRO can help to eliminate it including excess fat, which may help a person to lose weight. SPIRO contains fiber that will slow down empty stomach, thereby reducing appetite and this can help in control weight.
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Samantha –
I bought it together with their fiber FRUSSO. Value and save money